Featured Audio Giveaway – Feb 2011

January 30th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · No Comments · Featured Audio Giveaways

The Ice Princess

Ice Princess

Hear an excerpt

How to Win This Audio CD

1. Be an active* subscriber to our newsletter. Just enter your email address below:

2. Send an email to newsletter@highbridgeaudio.com

3. Put the words “Ice Princess” in the subject line. Entries must be received by no later than 2/18/2011.

See the Win Audiobooks page for more details. Alternatively, you can become a FAN of HighBridge on Facebook and comment on this post, or become a FOLLOWER on Twitter and tweet or retweet this message by 2/18/2011.

About This Month’s Featured Audio

Cuddle up against the winter cold with Scandinavian mystery The Ice PrincessAudioFile magazine says  “Narrator David Thorn’s accents and rhythms bring the Swedish origins of this translated novel to life, increasing the listener’s connection with the setting. . . .  Thorn skillfully handles multiple points of view and a variety of voices in this character-driven mystery.”

More information on this title

Last Month’s Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the last  giveaway, NPR: The First Forty Years. Thanks to all who participated.

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