Featured Audio Giveaway – October 2011

October 3rd, 2011 by Kay Weiss · No Comments · Featured Audio Giveaways

There But For The

There But For The

by Ali Smith; read by Anne Flosnik
Hear an excerpt

How to Win This Audio CD

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2. Send an email to newsletter@highbridgeaudio.com 3. Put the words “There But For The” in the subject line. Entries must be received by no later than 10/21/2011. See the Win Audiobooks page for more details. Alternatively, you can LIKE HighBridge on Facebook and comment on this post, or become a FOLLOWER on Twitter and tweet or retweet this message by 10/21/2011.

About This Month’s Featured Audio

At a dinner party in the posh London suburb of Greenwich, Miles Garth suddenly leaves the table midway through the meal, locks himself in an upstairs room, and refuses to leave. An eclectic group of neighbors and friends slowly gathers around the house, and the story of Miles is one told from the points of view of four of them: a woman in her forties called Anna, a man in his sixties called Mark, a woman in her eighties called May, and a ten-year-old child called Brooke. The thing is . . . none of these people knows Miles anything more than glancingly. So how much is it possible to know about a stranger? And what are the consequences of even the most casual, most fleeting meetings we have every day with other human beings?

Brilliantly audacious, disarmingly playful, full of Smith’s trademark wit and puns, There But For The is a deft exploration of the human need for separation—from our pasts and from one another—and the redemptive possibilities for connections.

“So much more than the sum of its parts. . . . This fine, unusual novel is sweet and melancholy, indulgent of language and of the fragile oddballs who so relish in it.”
Publishers Weekly HC starred review

“The book—packed with jokes and random facts—is really about small stuff like life and death and the meaning of human existence, all told with sharp humor and real insight. The novel itself is a riddle with no solution, which is exactly the point: When you reluctantly come to the end, you can’t help going back to the beginning, trying to unravel this beautifully elusive book’s mysterious spell. A-
Entertainment Weekly

More information on this title

Last Month’s Winner

Congratulations to MICHELLE WILL the winner of the last giveaway, Birds of Paradise. Thanks to all who participated.

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