Latino Americans set for HighBridge release (and PBS Broadcast!) in September 2013

August 21st, 2013 by Frank Randall · No Comments · Acquisition News

HighBridge is delighted to announce it will be publishing the audio edition of Latino Americans by longtime public media favorite Ray Suarez in September 2013. Not only is the book a landmark history of the Latino role in shaping the Americas – and the US in particular, but it captures the sprawling, emotional, personality-rich tale that will be presented by the accompanying six-hour PBS documentary also set for broadcast in September. Suarez will be featured as a commentator throughout the series, and much to the delight of audiobook fans familiar with his stellar career delivering news and conversation at PBS and NPR, he has made himself available to read the audio version of the book. Latino Americans offers the rare opportunity to hear an award-winning journalist and spoken-word professional make his audiobook narration debut while reading his own work. Listeners are in for a treat.

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