Entries Tagged as 'Kerry Thompson'

I Am Not a Birder, But…

September 5th, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I am not a birder, but most days I spend a fleeting moment paying them special attention. Why not? There they are, pleasant to see, hear and be near. My appreciation for this particular realm within the animal kingdom took a major leap forward when I heard the finished master for NPR Sound Treks: Birds. […]


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Stamberg and Co. Break Down Barriers – NPR American Chronicles: Women’s Equality

August 5th, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

As part of the NPR American Chronicles series, listeners might be fearful of an over-academic treatment of a subject that is very personal to many. Women’s Equality is nothing of the sort. I can’t recommend this audio enough as an example of essential, inspiring, primary audio content presented in an artistic and entertaining manner. Susan […]


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