Entries Tagged as 'pete larkin'

The Esperanza Fire – Haunting yet Triumphant

August 26th, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

It’s interesting sometimes to reflect on how you end up settling on a particular book: The hazy day in Minnesota that the weather people attributed to western wildfires, including a huge one in Yosemite. The recent return of a colleague from a vacation in Montana—and that reminding me of my own visit there, many years […]


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What a Trip! Philip Caputo’s The Longest Road

August 12th, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I knew Philip Caputo’s The Longest Road: Overland in Search of America, from Key West to the Arctic Ocean (read by Pete Larkin) would be my kind of “listen.” I love to travel and when I’m stuck at home, I love traveling vicariously through others’ stories and photos. And the more adventurous, the better. Acclaimed journalist […]


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Featured Audio Giveaway – March 2012

March 5th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Featured Audio Giveaways

Black Mask 1: Doors in the Dark Edited by Otto Penzler; read by Eric Conger, Oliver Wyman, Alan Sklar, Pete Larkin, and Jeff Gurner How to Win This Audio CD 1. Be an active* subscriber to our newsletter. Just enter your email address below: 2. Send an email to newsletter@highbridgeaudio.com 3. Put the words “Black […]


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