Car Talk Classics: The Pinkwater Files

April 16th, 2014 by Peter · No Comments · Uncategorized

Peter here, blogging from Minneapolis. For many years now I have been listening to Tom and Ray, the Magliozzi brothers out of WBUR-FM Radio in Boston. I am not a car guy. I don’t even own a car any longer, but I do recall the joys and heartbreak of owning a used Toyota. My upbringing was in the suburbs, so life revolved around the family car. These days I only bus and bike it and frankly I don’t miss the long commutes of my youth. That being said, I love Car Talk, the weekly car advice program from NPR. It’s more than a how-to program. From years of listening, I can confidently state that Car Talk is a rich slice of Americana where the average listener may spend a few moments in the car, in front of the radio listening to kindly uncles offering life advice, car advice and some good old-fashioned humor. For me, Car Talk is public radio at its best, and I will always be a fan of the wisdom of these gentle souls.

Car Talk Classics: The Pinkwater Files is a four disc set from HighBridge Audio offering listeners a memorable collection of audio fun where Tom and Ray offer advice about cars to their regular listeners.

I highly recommend this collection to both the novice and seasoned Car Talk listener.

Some of my favorite moments from this collection include: the puzzler segment, stump the chumps, and the caller of the moment, Mr. Pinkwater himself.

Daniel Pinkwater, the beloved humorist and author has been a regular commentator on public radio for many years. He has been a frequent guest on the Car Talk program, calling in as a non-celebrity and offering a unique twist to the show’s storied history. This collection of humorous moments offers classic bits that listeners have enjoyed for decades. This is a perfect gift for any friend or relative who enjoys cars or who might find humor in the pitfalls of driving and maintaining a treasured vehicle.

With Dad’s and Mom’s days coming up, this cd set would make a perfect gift for you to say thanks for letting me use the car all those years, and I am sorry for not keeping the tank half full as requested.

If you have a Saturday project to do and want to have a great background laugh track for your listening pleasure while doing chores, pick up a copy of Car Talk Classics: The Pinkwater Files. Tom and Ray and their steady laughter will give you some great moments to cherish while you get the job done. A full range of Car Talk audios are available from HighBridge, including my second favorite: The Best and the Second Best of Car Talk, but this cd is a great place to start with two of public radio’s charming radio hosts, Tom and Ray Magliozzi, the Car Talk guys.

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