Terry Gross to be honored by Authors Guild

May 5th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Author/Narrator News

On May 23, as part of the Authors Guild annual celebration, the Guild will honor Terry Gross, host of NPR’s Fresh Air, by presenting her with their 2011 Authors Guild Award for Distinguished Service to the Literary Community.

The Authors Guild writes, “Ms. Gross’s singular insight and curiosity in exploring writers’ ideas have made Fresh Air a vital national forum for American literature that more than 4.5 million readers listen to each week.”

Emmy- and Tony-award winning actor—and also bestselling author—John Lithgow will emcee the event, which will be held at the Edison Ballroom in New York City.

Now in its nineteenth year, the Authors Guild Dinner benefits the Authors Guild Foundation, the mission of which is to promote the role of copyright and free speech in maintaining a vibrant literary culture, and the Authors League Fund, which has provided vital financial support to book authors and dramatists in need for more than 90 years. Co-chairs of the event include Judy Blume, Mary Higgins Clark, Patricia Cornwell, James Gleick, John and Renee Grisham, Garrison Keillor, John R. MacArthur, Mary Pope Osborne, Scott Turow, and Stuart Woods.

For more on the event and the award, see the Authors Guild blog.

HighBridge publishes a number of collections from Fresh Air, including the most recent Just for Laughs.

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Hobbit News from Down Under

April 21st, 2011 by Julie · HighBridge at the Movies

To build excitement for the two films of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, director Peter Jackson is posting video blogs from the set. The first video is up and shows lots of behind-the -scenes footage to keep fans interested until the first movie releases in December 2012. Check it out!

HighBridge publishes the NPR dramatization of The Hobbit on audio.

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Richard Louv, USA Today, Saving Childhood

April 14th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Author/Narrator News

In today’s USA Today, author Richard Louv (The Nature Principle, The Last Child in the Woods) is featured in two articles as part of an extensive week-long Saving Childhood series. The series covers early puberty, chronic disease, how children spend more time indoors, and more. For more information on the series, visit: savingchildhood.usatoday.com.

  • Today’s nature article highlights a nature club in Roanoke, VA, as one of many nature clubs sprouting up around the US to encourage children and families to spend more time outdoors. The article credits Last Child in the Woods as the impetus for this movement and includes quotes from Richard Louv. The article also includes video, a photo galley, and a sidebar column of things families can do outside).
  • Richard is also quoted in an article on childhood chronic illness, discussing reasons why children spend more time indoors.

This week-long series also includes a daily Twitter and Facebook chat with USA Today reporter Liz Szabo. Today’s chat will be with Liz and Richard Louv discussing children in nature. Join the conversation at #kidschat.

See the HighBridge website for more information on the audio edition of Louv’s new title, The Nature Principle.

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Wendy Kopp Visits HighBridge’s Hometown

April 14th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Author/Narrator News

Welcome to Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp, who is here for a live webcast from Twin Cities Public Television’s downtown St. Paul studios and then a signing at the University of Minnesota Bookstore at Coffman Memorial Union.

More details are available here.

Kopp is the author of A Chance to Make History: What Works and What Doesn’t in Providing an Excellent Education for All, in which on the twentieth anniversary of Teach for America she offers an inspiring summation of the lessons learned: The achievement gap can be closed, and there’s nothing elusive about what it will take.
HighBridge publishes the audio edition.

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Marking the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War

April 12th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Hear It Here First

Today marks a dark day in US history: The shots on Fort Sumter that are officially considered the opening volleys in the Civil War rang out today.

The Civil War could in some respects be considered a rite of passage for a still-young country determining what its ideals and principles were going to be. But it was a profoundly costly one in terms of the loss of human life, as brother fought against brother— and even against sister (National Archive story).

Detailed history, including current day activities and reactions can be found on many news and historical organization sites:

You can also hear excerpts from the collection NPR American Chronicles: The Civil War on our website.

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Life of Pi casting news

April 12th, 2011 by Julie · Hear It Here First, HighBridge at the Movies

According to the Hollywood Reporter, actor Tobey Maguire has been cast in Ang Lee’s film Life of Pi, based on the Yann Martel bestseller. Maguire will play a reporter interviewing the adult Pi (played by Irrfan Khan) about being shipwrecked as a 16-year old (played by Suraj Sharma). Filming is currently underway in India.

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Featured Audio Giveaway – April 2011

April 5th, 2011 by Emily · Featured Audio Giveaways



Hear an excerpt

How to Win This Audio CD

1. Be an active* subscriber to our newsletter. Just enter your email address below:

2. Send an email to newsletter@highbridgeaudio.com

3. Put the word “Onward” in the subject line. Entries must be received by no later than 4/22/2011.

See the Win Audiobooks page for more details. Alternatively, you can LIKE HighBridge on Facebook and comment on this post, or become a FOLLOWER on Twitter and tweet or retweet this message by 4/22/2011.

About This Month’s Featured Audio

In Onward, Howard Schultz (the president and chairman of Starbucks), shares the remarkable story of the company’s ongoing transformation under his leadership. He reveals how, during one of the most tumultuous economic times in history, Starbucks again achieved profitability and sustainability without sacrificing humanity.
More information on this title

Last Month’s Winner

Congratulations to Mary Skinner, the winner of the last giveaway, NPR American Chronicles: The Civil War. Thanks to all who participated.

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Happy 88th Birthday, Bob Elliott!

March 28th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Author/Narrator News

March 26th was the 88th birthday of Bob Elliott, of the hugely influential comedy team Bob and Ray. We have been honored here at HighBridge to publish The Very Best of Bob and Ray, and it has been great pleasure to get to know the amazing body of work these underrated legends of comedy created. If you ever need a well-timed reminder not to take yourself too seriously, Bob and Ray have you covered.

One of my all-time personal favorites: Reuniting the Whirleys. I just love how ho-hum these long-parted siblings are about seeing one other. Happy enough, but completely uninterested in altering their emotions or behavior for the sake of the show. Whenever I see Kristen Wiig do her Extreme Home Makover bit on SNL, I expect her to slip in a credit for Bob and Ray. They deserve that and more. Happy Birthday, Bob.

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A Prize-Winning Romantic

March 22nd, 2011 by Julie · Author/Narrator News, Hear It Here First, Publishing News

The Jewish Book Council has awarded the $100,000 2011 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature in fiction to Austin Ratner for his debut novel, The Jump Artist.

Congratulations to him, and to the runner up for the prize and recipient of a $25,000 award: Joseph Skibell, author of A Curable Romantic. Click here to hear a sample of the audiorecording, read by Jeff Woodman.

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Economic crisis solved: Just cancel CAR TALK funding

March 18th, 2011 by Frank Randall · Author/Narrator News

We assume this will be fuel for the Car Talk guys’ banter in the coming weeks: Anthony Weiner (D-NY) chiding his colleagues on the House floor about the defunding of NPR as a significant aspect of financial reform of federal spending. “We finally found out our problem, we discovered a target that we can all agree on: it’s these guys!” a Huffington Post article quotes Weiner as saying, while pointing to a picture of our beloved Tappet Brothers.

You can watch a video of Weiner’s speech below:

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