Impulse by Ellen Hopkins selected as a YALSA Amazing Audiobook for 2011

January 28th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Author/Narrator News

YALSA, the Young Adult Library Services Association within ALA, announced its 2011 Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adult selections. We’re pleased to see that HighBridge’s Impulse made that list.

YALSA summarizes Impulse this way: “After their failed suicide attempts land them in a psychiatric hospital, teenagers Vanessa, Tony, and Conner forge a friendship while they attempt to resolve their various emotional issues. The narrators provide their characters with distinct, emotionally charged voices.”

Author Ellen Hopkins has received some push-back from people concerned about the content of her works. That’s understandable, as the situations and emotions are indeed troubling—especially as Hopkins is not presenting sensationalized fiction stories, but stories based on both her own experience and research. If only it were “pure fiction.” Hopkins works give a voice to these youth that hopefully leads those in similar situations to seek help, helps others avoid falling into similar situations, and creates sensitivity and awareness.

Congratulations to Hopkins and narrators Laura Flanagan, Jeremy Guskin, and Steve Coombs on their award-winning work.

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The Hobbit delayed again

January 27th, 2011 by Julie · HighBridge at the Movies

Just as production on the long-awaited adaptation of The Hobbit was to begin in New Zealand, director Peter Jackson has had surgery for a perforated ulcer. He will likely be taking some time to recuperate, delaying the film, which was scheduled to start production in February. With all the stress surrounding this project, is it any wonder he had an ulcer?

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Teach for America Founder Wendy Kopp talks with Public Radio’s Marketplace

January 26th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Author/Narrator News

TFA founder Wendy KoppKai Ryssdal of American Public Media’s MarketPlace talked to Wendy Kopp, the founder of Teach for America, about her thoughts on what it will take to improve education for all in America.

If you didn’t get a chance to listen to it live, you can find it archived on the MarketPlace website.

HighBridge’s audio edition of Kopp’s new work A Chance to Make History is now available. Hear an excerpt online.

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NPR Covers the Oscars

January 26th, 2011 by Julie · Hear It Here First, HighBridge at the Movies

Yesterday’s announcement of the 2011 Academy Award nominations prompted the NPR Monkey See blog to post a list of NPR stories about this year’s Best Picture nominees. From Darren Aronofsky to Mark Zuckerberg, it’s a great collection of stories worth checking out.

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Heidi Durrow comes to Minneapolis

January 26th, 2011 by Steve Lehman · Author/Narrator News

The Girl Who Fell From the SkyHeidi Durrow, author of The Girl Who Fell From the Sky (Algonquin HC and PB; HighBridge audiobook editions) spoke at Minneapolis independent bookseller Magers and Quinn last Friday. A good crowd came out to meet this debut-author-turned-New York Times-bestselling-author.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky has been getting much deserved acclaim. It is a Booklist Top 10 First Novels: 2010 and Editors Choice Selection; a People magazine Summer Listen; and a Washington Post Best Novels of 2010 Selection.

The Girl Who Fell From the Sky is a timely and moving bicultural coming-of-age tale, based on a true story and told by an author who has struggled with the same issues as her protagonist. You can read more and hear an excerpt here.

Although others at HighBridge had met Heidi at Workman’s BEA gathering two years ago, this was my first opportunity to meet her and speak with her in person. It was a pleasure. To see other pictures from the event see HighBridge’s Flickr Gallery.

Myself (Steve) with author Heidi Durrow

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Catch Up with Us on Facebook

January 25th, 2011 by Kay Weiss · Uncategorized

Ah, the vagaries of technology! We’ve managed to permanently “lose” our blog history for the HighBridge LowDown.

Ah, the triumphs of technology! You can find all our old posts from the HighBridge LowDown as “Notes” on our HighBridge Audio Facebook Page.

So you can catch up with past posts by checking there, and we will start somewhat “afresh” on this rebuilt (we can do that—we have the technology) HighBridge LowDown.

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